
Gleneagles Hospital - A&E Charges and Contact

Gleneagles Hospital Singapore’s Accident and Emergency Services opens 24/7 to patients who need immediate medical attention. The hospital also provides ambulance transportation to patients. Patients would be assessed at A&E and be able to receive a consultation by specialists if needed. Learn about the charges, contact, and average waiting time of A&E below.
Author Bowtie Team
Date 2022-05-06
Updated on 2022-05-06
Gleneagles Hospital A&E ChargesGleneagles A&E ContactAverage Waiting Time for Gleneagles A&EWhat situations can Gleneagles A&E handle?How Gleneagles A&E treat your case?Requirement for Gleneagles A&E serviceWhat can Parkway Emergency do for Gleneagles Hospital?FAQ

👉 Background information for Gleneagles Hospital, Singapore.

Gleneagles Hospital A&E Charges

Consultation fee (in $SGD)

Monday-Friday Saturday Sunday & Public Holiday
8am – 5pm S$102 8am – 1pm S$102 8am – midnight S$127
5pm – midnight S$127 1am – midnight S$127 Midnight – 8am S$160
Midnight – 8am S$160 Midnight – 8am S$160
  • Information from the Gleneagles A&E hotline, dated on 29th April 2022.

Gleneagles A&E Contact

24-hour helpline: (+65) 6470 5688 

Other relate-helpline: Parkway Emergency Ambulance Hotline: 1800-7275929

Average Waiting Time for Gleneagles A&E

The average waiting time to see a doctor at our 24-hour A&E clinic is about 30 minutesThe waiting time depends on several factors including the severity of a patient’s medical condition and the number of patients at the A&E.

What situations can Gleneagles A&E handle?

The accident and emergency services at Gleneagles Hospital, Singapore provides medication and care to the following conditions:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Cold and flu
  • Cuts and bruises
  • Fever
  • Headaches
  • Hives
  • Insect bites and stings
  • Mild burns and scalds
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Nosebleed
  • Sore eyes
  • Strains and sprains
  • Urinary tract infection (UTI)
  • Asthma
  • Acute gout
  • Dengue fever
  • Vertigo
  • Appendicitis
  • Gallstones
  • Kidney stones

How Gleneagles A&E treat your case?

Upon admission, critical cases would be dealt with immediately. 


Non-emergency would be handled differently, with registration and a health declaration, checking on temperature and blood pressure


WIth doctor’s consultation, the patient would be recommended for an x-ray, blood test, or IV drip, or sent to an observation room. Specialist doctors would advise on whether patients need to be hospitalised or discharged. 


If a patient is recommended to be impatient, the patient or the caregiver will receive financial counselling on the hospital bill.


If a patient is discharged, the patient may go to the pharmacy to make payment and pick up the medication. 

Requirement for Gleneagles A&E service

Is PCR Tests Result needed? 

PCR test is not required for patients of A&E at Gleneagles Hospital. 

However, all visitors are encouraged to do a COVID-19 self-test prior to visiting patients in the wards. Visitors who are unwell should refrain from visiting.

Visitors to inpatient wards
  • An inpatient may register up to 2 visitors per admission.
  • Patients who are in critical condition are allowed 5 pre-registered visitors, with only 2 visitors allowed at the bedside at any one time.
  • Visitors are restricted to the hospital’s ward visiting hours.
  • Visitors to hospital wards must wear face masks at all times
  • Visitors should not eat or drink in the hospital wards or use patients’ toilets in the wards, and should also avoid sitting on patients’ beds.
Visitors to outpatient clinics & primary care services Outpatients may be supported by 2 accompanying visitors at any one time.
  • Last updated: 26 April 2022

What can Parkway Emergency do for Gleneagles Hospital?

Parkway Emergency provides 24-hour Accident and Emergency services, with direct access to specialists and urgent laboratory and radiology investigations. Together with Gleneagles Hospital, Mount Elizabeth Hospital, and Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital, they are the largest A&E network in Singapore. 

The emergency services include:

  • Acute surgical conditions
  • Medical emergencies including heart attack, stroke, severe asthma, seizures, and pneumonia
  • Major or minor trauma including head injuries, orthopaedic and sports-related injuries
  • Paediatric emergencies
  • Acute ENT (ear, nose, and throat) and eye emergencies
  • Industrial accidents

 Parkway Emergency also offers 24/7 ambulance service, providing transportation to patients from home to hospital, as well as from hospital to home upon discharge. 


1. In what situations, do I need A&E’s help? Or should I go to 24-hour clinics?

The accident & emergency (A&E) department deals with various health emergencies, such as:

  • Chest pain or heart attacks
  • Sudden and severe shortness of breath
  • Blurred vision
  • Severe burns
  • Significant head injuries
  • Choking
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Severe abdominal pain
  • High fever in babies
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Broken bones
  • Large open wounds and burns
  • Concussions
  • Seizures or fits
  • Persistent vomiting and diarrhoea

A 24-hour clinic would be more suitable for injuries and illnesses that don’t require urgent and immediate attention, for example:

  • Sprained or twisted ankles
  • Fever
  • Nosebleed
  • Cuts and scrapes
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Nosebleeds
  • Itchy or swollen eyes
2. How to call Ambulance in Singapore?

Patients or caregivers may call 995 for life-threatening cases such as cardiac arrest, active seizures, breathlessness, major traumas, and stroke.

For non-emergency situations, patients and caregivers may call 1777 for the 24-hour non-emergency ambulance services. This service incurred basic charges as followed:

Chargeable Service Published Average Rates*
Ambulance 1-way transfer to A&E S$120 (Office Hours)

S$150 (After Office Hours)

Ambulance 1-way transfer (miscellaneous) S$80 Office Hours)

S$120 (After Office Hours)

Ambulance discharge from hospital S$80 (Office Hours)

S$120 (After Office Hours)

Provision of additional oxygen supply S$35
Maternity cases S$200
Psychiatric cases S$200
Disposables – Bandages, dressing, diapers, ready pack dressing set, etc S$20
Resuscitation per session $300
Ground transfer – Singapore to Johor Bahru hospital (within 1 hour from checkpoint clearance) $400
Nursing procedures eg. Insertion of tube feeding, urinary catheterisation, simple wound dressing, giving injections, etc S$150
Provision of ambulance transfers from hospitals to airport/seaport or vice versa S$200 (without tarmac)

S$600 (with tarmac)

Staff nurse with ventilator, monitoring equipment, syringe drivers/pumps oxygen, etc to fetch patient from hospital to home or vice versa Call 1777 to enquire
3. What preparation is needed for Emergency?

Patients should have the following emergency information ready in an What way to locate your nearest A&E?emergency:

  • Address to the nearest hospital
  • The quickest route to the hospital
  • Phone number of Ambulance/ fire emergency
  • Police emergency number
  • Medical conditions history of the family
  • Health insurance information
4. What way to locate your nearest A&E?

Patients can call 995 for a Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) ambulance for an emergency, the ambulances would take the patients to the nearest Ministry of Health-designated A&E.

If patients would like to visit the A&E at a hospital of your choice, you may contact the hospital directly on their respective helplines.

5. How should you get to A&E?

Patients may drive to the A&E or call an ambulance. 

  1. Patients arriving at the A&E by ambulance may receive pre-hospital emergency medical treatment in the ambulance itself. Paramedics in the ambulance can also assess your condition and inform the hospital prior to your arrival so that the team at the hospital is prepared.
  2. If you drive to A&E as a walk-in patient and have a critical condition, you would be attended to immediately.
  • *Information from This list is compiled by the Non-Emergency Private Ambulance Operators. Patients are advised to check directly with the respective Non-Emergency Private Ambulance Operators for the latest charges.
The above information was provided by Bowtie Team. It is for reference only. In no event shall Bowtie be liable to you or to any other party for any loss or damage whatsoever or howsoever caused directly or indirectly in connection with your access to or use of the content thereon.

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